Osteopenia / Osteoporosis - A True Story

HI!  I’m Linda and I have been managing the social media at The Cornerstone Pilates. I have also been a client of Jocelyne’s (the owner of The Cornerstone Pilates) for over 10 years and am now 65 years old. I would like to talk a little bit about Osteopenia/Osteoporosis. That hated word that most women encounter as they age.

Everything started with very painful SI joint problems. I was told by my Primary Physician and Chiropractor that I should do Pilates to strengthen my core, etc. I had a preconceived notion of what Pilates was…not my style…but decided I would give it a try. What could it hurt? 😊 Well here goes nothing! To my pleasant surprise, I love it and still do to this day!

Next, I find out that I have osteoporosis of the femoral neck and the spine. A lot of Googling ensued. I discussed this diagnosis with Jocelyne. Her knowledge and training of how the body works, be it muscle, bone, tendons, ligaments, etc., helped assuage the fear this diagnosis instilled, as I am an active person. Travel and hiking are my passions. Pilates has been so beneficial in strengthening all the moving parts that support the bones, as well as strengthening the bones. 

To give you an idea of the strength I acquired during this time, in 2017 and 2019 I went to Scotland for 2 weeks of hiking Munros and Bens (mountains and hills). I completed 200 kms in 2017 and 267 kms in 2019, with no pain, and no accidents. I attribute my strength, balance and stamina to Pilates and the instructors at The Cornerstone Pilates. I have since hiked some challenging trails, including those in Ontario, i.e. The Sleeping Giant and The Crack, amongst others.

Do not let Osteopenia/Osteoporosis hold you back from enjoying life in any way you wish. The Cornerstone Pilates meets the individual where they’re at and builds confidence in oneself. I am living proof of that 😊. We invite you to connect with us to discuss how Pilates may help you.