
A women in a white shirt practicing mat tower pilates in a group settings.


Restorative · Mat Tower

Restorative level class with attention to neutral spine. This class is safe for all. The use of the tower springs will be used to support and assist the entire body in such ways that you will feel strengthened, lengthened and pain-free.


Foundation · Mat Tower

Beginner  level class for people new to Pilates or who love to return to basics. This class will incorporate the use of the tower to enhance the connection of the core and to integrate the limbs into the body while building strength.


Integration · Mat Tower

Intermediate level class for people with some level of experience with Pilates and who are familiar with the equipment. With the integration of the spring resistance and tower, you will challenge your “powerhouse” and move your whole body.

Signature · Mat Tower

Advanced level class for people with experience of Pilates concepts, methods and verbiage. The powerful combination of mat and tower springs will challenge your body and help you explore new levels of self-awareness and power from within.

A group of people practicing reformer pilates in a group class.


Restorative · Reformer

Restorative level class with attention to what your body needs. This class is safe for all. The use of the equipment will strengthen joints, re-align your bones, move your body in ways that are safe and optimal for your needs. We know bodies and what they need. 


Foundation · Reformer

Beginner level class for people who are new to the equipment or who like to work at the basic integrative level. The focus of the class is on movement precision, while integrating the reformer and tower spring systems.

Integration · Reformer

Intermediate level class for people with some level of experience with the equipment. Build structural strength while gradually increasing endurance and resistance and maintaining a conscious core connection.

Signature · Reformer

Advanced level class for people with experience with both the reformer and tower spring systems. This level challenges your previous concepts of what Pilates is and promises to take your body to new heights while staying true to the principles.



Women sitting on floor performing ELDOA postural exercises, and stretching while seated on the floor.

Beginner · ELDOA 

 The ELDOA are postural exercises, with the primary goal being to increase the space within a chosen articulation. As the ELDOA “create” space, there is an improvement in joint mechanics, increased blood flow, reduced pressure on the discs, a reduction of pain, spinal disc rehydration, better muscle tone, improved posture, and a sense of well-being and awareness

A person on a pilates reformer with their toes pointed and legs extended wearing black leggings.

Intermediate · Jump X Flow

Intermediate level class packed with energy and cardiovascular activity. Experience on the equipment is an asset. Since proper mechanics is our specialty, alignment and proper techniques are still at the forefront of this power packed workout.  

This class is targeted for non chronic injury individuals.

Group of people practicing pilates sitting on reformers during a noon class.

The Nooner

Long day at work? This class is designed to cater to who shows up, it has no level prescribed. The noon class is for individuals who need a break from work and want to restore their energy levels with a workout at lunch time. Guaranteed to perk up your metabolism and help boost your brain efficiency to finish your day

Pregnant women sitting on an orange exercise ball in a pre-natal pilates class

Pre-Natal Pilates

Throughout the nine months leading up to meeting your precious one for the first time, your body is in a constant state of flux. As such, your practice should also be changing. Our pre-natal specialists can help you strengthen pelvic floor, spine and balance so your workouts are beneficial for you and your baby.

This class is on hold until we have the demand

Young toddler sitting in women's lap on a black mat playing with small orange exercise balls.

Post-Natal Pilates

This class is designed to help you regain strength after delivery. Our Instructor is Post-Natal certified with qualifications that include training for diastasis recti, incontinence, pelvic floor rehabilitation, fascial mobility for C-section recovery. This class will also help reduce back pain and train methods to keep you symmetrical while taking care of your baby.

Fathers are equally welcome and supported.

Group of a variety of women smiling during apprentice class

Apprentice Class

This class is taught by our Apprentice Pilates teachers. While we offer a Pilates certification, part of our curriculum requires our teachers in training to practice in real live time with real live bodies. Due to the early stages of experience our instructors in training have, we ask that your injuries be minimal and that you have the ability to manage them without putting responsibility on our instructors.

This class is offered at a reduced rate and is done on the Mat.


Pilates - Movement Education and Health Clinic in Burlington

4-1893 Appleby Line Burlington, ON L7L 0G5