The Cornerstone Pilates

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Meet Hala

1- Hey Hala, can you introduce yourself? 

My name is Hala N. Haffar and I am a certified Pilates instructor since 2008 with a post rehab specialization. 


2- Can you take us through your journey to where you are now? 

My love for Pilates started back in September 2006. I had just tried it for the first time and had an immediate “Aha!” moment. My previous profession was a college professor, teaching business and computer studies. Many hours spent sitting at the computer meant poor posture and I developed calcification in my shoulders. As I started Pilates, my aches and pains started to diminish and my overall posture had improved. My experience with Pilates was life changing and so I decided to change my career and become a fully certified Pilates instructor. 


3- What is a day in the life of you like?

I kick start my day with my French press cuppa coffee to get my mojo on. Teach a couple of mat classes at a senior centre in Oakville (always in awe with the beautiful energy they project!), back home to attend to my family then prep for my afternoon and evening classes. Finishing my day with a nice meal with family where we are checking in with each other about our day. On alternating days, my afternoon is spent with my wonderful and smart 6 yr old grandson.


 4- Can you highlight your 3 favourite Pilates exercises? 

Plank is at the top of my list! 

Side Bridge 



5- Can you tell us what areas you have struggled in professionally? 

As I get older my body is changing so I find that I am responding to Pilates differently now. Due to issues in my spine, some exercises I shouldn’t be doing while focusing on others that my body desperately needs. But on the plus side, this definitely had given me a great insight and knowledge that I could implement into my teaching and share with my clients. 


6- What do you believe are the common misconceptions about Pilates? 

·         Pilates is only for women! Actually, Pilates is for EVERYONE, all ages and every fitness level. 

·         Pilates is all about core! Core is one of the areas Pilates focuses on but it’s more than that! It’s about the whole body! It’s about moving your body in the most efficient and effective way for strength, balance, agility and control. 

·         Pilates is all about stretching your muscles! Each exercise in Pilates is about training the body to move from the bone, which in turn will contract the muscles; some muscles will “stretch” and lengthen and others will “tighten” and shorten. 


7- What is the best piece of business advice you have received to date? 

Clients will return to their Pilates practice when they are ready! It’s a commitment to oneself and people have to be ready to take that on. 

8- What is the number 1 critical lesson you have learned in your career so far? 

Every client is on his/her own unique fitness journey and I am here to help and guide them safely and surely on it. 


9- How do you create an evenly balanced work and personal life? 

It’s not easy for sure! But if I am to be genuine and true in my work, I have to do the same in my personal life. So, there has to be that balance between both for this to happen. 


10- Which other leading entrepreneurs and pioneering game changers do you also admire and why? 

Margot McKinnon, founder and owner of Body Harmonics, TO. She was one of the first Pilates instructors that had a significant impact on my career, and still does. She combines science, imagery and fun into her teaching to make her concepts relatable and comprehensible to all. She’s also all about giving and sharing knowledge and experience. During these hard times that everyone, both individuals and businesses are/were going through, she’s been so generous with her knowledge and experience, by offering free classes to anyone who’s interested. 


11- How do you define success? 

 Seeing the positive impact my practice has on my clients and being able to say “I love my job!” 


12- What’s it like working at The Cornerstone Pilates? 

Love being part of a team of creative like-minded individuals. Jocelyne is a big supporter of career development and has been very generous in providing free workshops to help us in our career. There’s a sense of family, even from our clients. I feel heard, supported and well acknowledged. The ambience is always that of light heartedness, fun, and care.